ReActiv: Industrial Residue Activation for Sustainable Cement Production

The ReActiv project will create a novel sustainable symbiotic value chain, linking the by-product of the alumina production industry and the cement production industry.

low CO2 footprint & reduced wastes

The new ReActiv technologies will modify the properties of Bauxite Residue, transforming into a reactive material suitable for new, low CO2 footprint, cement products. In this manner ReActiv proposes a win-win scenario for both industrial sectors; reducing wastes and CO2 emissions respectively.

Progress, news & press releases

Learn all the latest updates about the REACTIV project

May 23, 2024
ReActiv’s 7th progress meeting
The 7th progress meeting of the project was hosted on the 22nd and 23rd of May 2024 by AOS in Germany. All participating partners that were […]
May 18, 2024
The 3rd ENA workshop in Rome
Cansu Özcan Kılcan from UTARTU presented her work “Use-stage Life Cycle Impact Assessment for NORM in a Room made of Bauxite Residue (BR) Containing Novel Building […]
April 26, 2024
ReActiv at the AQW2024
Konstantinos Kollias from European Aluminium participated in the 12th International AQW Conference and Exhibition in Dubai, UAE. He presented the initiatives of European alumina refineries focused on valorising […]

Facts & Figures


ReActiv is an European Commission funded Innovation Action on the H2020-EU. call


22 partners

The Reactiv project brings together 22 partners from 12 countries 



4 years duration

ReActiv started on November 2020 and is expected to be completed in 2024




ReActiv has been granted a total budget of 8.807.929,38 euros